12-Oct-2004 ----------- This directory contains some tools that are used to develop ARMedslack. They're probably not of much use to the average person. Here is a list of the files and directories and their purpose: qemu ---- This directory contains a few scripts that build build a QEMU package for Slackware. The build script is a "SlackBuild", but only builds an ARM target for QEMU. scratchbox/ ----------- This directory contains the binary sources and some other tidbits I collected together when I was building ARMedslack inside Scratchbox. I no longer maintain any of this stuff because I have too many problems building inside Scratchbox - but it's still an *excellent* tool for building applications for embedded Linux devices and for building enough to get your Slackware port off the ground. slackkit-*.tgz -------------- This is the package that contains the ARMedslack toolkit: a collection of config files and shell script libraries. This package needs to be installed before you can run the package build scripts in the ARMedslack source tree. -- Stuart Winter