/* FIPS - the First nondestructive Interactive Partition Splitting program Module fipsspec.cpp RCS - Header: $Header: c:/daten/fips/source/main/RCS/fipsspec.cpp 1.1 1994/05/25 22:19:55 schaefer Exp schaefer $ Copyright (C) 1993 Arno Schaefer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Report problems and direct all questions to: schaefer@rbg.informatik.th-darmstadt.de */ #include "fipsspec.h" #include "global.h" #include #define DISK_INT 0x13 #define RESET_DISK 0 #define GET_DRIVE_PARAMS 8 void fips_bpb::print (void) { printx ("Bytes per sector: %u\n",bytes_per_sector); printx ("Sectors per cluster: %u\n",sectors_per_cluster); printx ("Reserved sectors: %u\n",reserved_sectors); printx ("Number of FATs: %u\n",no_of_fats); printx ("Number of rootdirectory entries: %u\n",no_of_rootdir_entries); printx ("Number of sectors (short): %u\n",no_of_sectors); printx ("Media descriptor byte: %02Xh\n",media_descriptor); printx ("Sectors per FAT: %u\n",sectors_per_fat); printx ("Sectors per track: %u\n",sectors_per_track); printx ("Drive heads: %u\n",drive_heads); printx ("Hidden sectors: %lu\n",hidden_sectors); printx ("Number of sectors (long): %lu\n",no_of_sectors_long); printx ("Physical drive number: %02Xh\n",phys_drive_no); printx ("Signature: %02Xh\n\n",signature); } void fips_partition_table::print (void) { printx (" | | Start | | End | Start |Number of|\n"); printx ("Part.|bootable|Head Cyl. Sector|System|Head Cyl. Sector| Sector |Sectors | MB\n"); printx ("-----+--------+----------------+------+----------------+--------+---------+----\n"); for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { printx ("%u | %s |%4u %4u %4u| %02Xh|%4u %4u %4u|%8lu| %8lu|%4lu\n",i+1, partition_info[i].bootable ? "yes" : " no", partition_info[i].start_head,partition_info[i].start_cylinder,partition_info[i].start_sector, partition_info[i].system,partition_info[i].end_head,partition_info[i].end_cylinder,partition_info[i].end_sector, partition_info[i].start_sector_abs,partition_info[i].no_of_sectors_abs,partition_info[i].no_of_sectors_abs / 2048); } } void fips_harddrive::get_geometry (void) { union REGS regs; regs.h.ah = GET_DRIVE_PARAMS; regs.h.dl = number; int86 (DISK_INT,®s,®s); if (global.debug_mode) { fprintf (global.debugfile,"\nRegisters after call to int 13h 08h (drive %02Xh):\n\n",number); hexwrite ((byte *) ®s,16,global.debugfile); } if ((errorcode = regs.h.ah) != 0) return; geometry.heads = (dword) regs.h.dh + 1; geometry.sectors = (dword) regs.h.cl & 0x3f; geometry.cylinders = ((dword) regs.h.ch | (((dword) regs.h.cl << 2) & 0x300)) + 1; } void fips_harddrive::reset (void) { union REGS regs; regs.h.ah = RESET_DISK; regs.h.dl = number; int86 (DISK_INT,®s,®s); if (global.debug_mode) { fprintf (global.debugfile,"\nRegisters after call to int 13h 00h (drive %02Xh):\n\n",number); hexwrite ((byte *) ®s,16,global.debugfile); } errorcode = regs.h.ah; } void fips_logdrive_info::put_debug_info (void) { fprintf (global.debugfile,"Calculated Partition Characteristica:\n\n"); fprintf (global.debugfile,"Start of FAT 1: %lu\n",start_fat1); fprintf (global.debugfile,"Start of FAT 2: %lu\n",start_fat2); fprintf (global.debugfile,"Start of Rootdirectory: %lu\n",start_rootdir); fprintf (global.debugfile,"Start of Data: %lu\n",start_data); fprintf (global.debugfile,"Number of Clusters: %lu\n",no_of_clusters); }